Do more of what you love.

Finding time to do what you love is hard! We all love disconnecting from technology and the demands of the world and reconnecting with family and friends. A hot tub can be just the thing to help you do more of what you love, check out our ideas:


Go Tech-Free

Hot tubs are the perfect place to disconnect from the world, afterall, water and electronics just don’t mix. That means that soaking in your hot tub gives you the perfect excuse to not respond to that text and to let those emails sit for a little while longer.

Read a book

Even though hot tubs aren’t a good place for electronics, they are the perfect place to get lost in a good book. A good old fashioned book, you know the kind with real paper. No E-readers allowed.


Your mind is constantly bombarded with things vying for your attention. When was the last time that you had a moment to simply let your mind wander; to let your dreams and plans for the future carry you away? A hot tub is the perfect place to let your dreams run wild.



In this day in time it is rare to find time for a family dinner or a day away with the kids, but when the workday is over, basketball practice is over, and dance class is done; a hot tub is the perfect place for your family to get together, relax, recover from the day, and reconnect.


Truly connecting with friends seems harder to do every day. People are so busy and distracted that it is hard to find time to really connect with your friends. A hot tub is the perfect place to engage in great conversation with great friends and let’s face it, few people would turn down an invitation to relax and unwind in a hot tub.


Cliche as it may seem; your hot tub is the perfect place for romance. No matter what stage of life you are in, it is difficult for you to find time to keep the romance alive. A hot tub can certainly help. There are no babysitters needed and no reservations required, just you, your significant other and 15 minutes for your hot tub to rekindle that romance.

If you are looking for opportunities to do more of all the things that you love, then come see us at Florida Spa and Pool Warehouse. We have a great variety of new and used hot tubs and would be happy to help you find the perfect hot tub that will help you disconnect from the world and reconnect with the things that matter most.